Kennedy Webcast – Reservations QUEST Part Two
If you are looking to get more direct bookings this year, join in as Doug shares additional highlights from KTN’s 2025 edition of our Reservations Sales QUEST training program that has helped hundreds of hotels, luxury vacation home rental agencies, and resorts increase call conversion. Because KTN’s Reservations Sales Coaches regularly listen to cloud-based recordings of real conversations, our training has been updated with fresh ideas for uncovering and overcoming objections, securing the sale, and following up proactively.
This webcast covers:
– Defining upselling vs. rate optimization.
– Using “Storified Selling” to upsell higher-rated accommodations.
– Securing the sale is a natural next step that benefits everyone, including the caller.
– When callers decline. Is it rate resistance, or are they just not ready?
– How to overcome rate resistance, based on the current rate strategy.
– Using “rate framing” to position mid- and low-tier rates as being a good value.
– A new approach to explaining top-tier/high-season rates.
– Following up proactively when callers are interested but not yet ready to commit.